Friday, September 23, 2011

Art. 235.A01

Hello everyone,

My name is Amanda Hanson I'm a Senior fine arts major here at Central, with an emphasis in drawing/painting. My favorite painting medium is watercolor, but I cannot wait to start learning oils in the winter. In the past I learned how to paint using acrylics at Portland State, and hated every minute of it. But while I was there I gained an appreciation to watercolor, and now I just wish and hope everyday that Central brings back at least part of their watercolor program..

In my "free time" I am the President of the Fencing Club here on campus, so if you're at all interested in fencing then please leave a comment letting me know. I also enjoy going fishing with my amazing boyfriend (or anywhere for that matter).

I'm going to attach a link to my tumblr blog. 

Both of these blogs were created a long while ago to save the name. And I recently started updating the tumblr with my own art, thoughts...etc.

While this blogger blog is bow going to be used for Art. 235

1 comment:

Alberti's Window said...

Hi Amanda! I'm glad that you already had a blog set up and ready to use for this class! I like watercolor a lot too, but we really won't be discussing that medium too much in this course about ancient art. Hopefully you will get more experience with watercolor in a future class!

I look forward to reading your posts!

-Prof. Bowen